Research and Development project on enhancing the learning of Chinese for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students through practical tasks in local secondary school context (Quotation Ref. (15) in CLE/FIN/15/27/Q)

  • 研究年期:2016-06-01 - 2017-08-31
  • 經費來源:Chinese Language Section, Education Bureau
  • 首席研究員:戴忠沛
  • 研究員:岑紹基, 林葦葉

The Project aims to develop a series of 8 modules for secondary NCS students’ learning Chinese through practical tasks in response to the learning difficulties of secondary NCS students in reading, writing, listening and speaking; to develop guidelines to inform teachers on organizing the learning in a meaningful order with different practical tasks (e.g. genres, text-types, functions, vocabulary and grammar) so as to develop secondary NCS students’ language competence progressively; and to develop effective learning, teaching and assessment strategies for teachers to enhance NCS students’ learning interest and effectiveness of Chinese Language through practical tasks.