(優質教育基金主題網絡計劃) 賦權授能.銜接向上 ─ 支援中小學教師提升多元文化學生中文學習能力 title

(優質教育基金主題網絡計劃) 賦權授能.銜接向上 ─ 支援中小學教師提升多元文化學生中文學習能力

  • 研究年期:2022-09-01 - 2023-08-31
  • 經費來源:優質教育基金
  • 首席研究員:林金錫
  • 研究員:張慧明, 戴忠沛, Tsang, H.W.H.

This QTN-E&T project is an extension of our current project Empowerment and Transition – Supporting Teachers to Promote Multicultural Students’ Chinese Learning in Primary and Secondary Schools (賦權授能.銜接向上 ─ 支援中小學教師提升多元文化學生中文學習能力), funded by Education Bureau, which has been completed at the end of August 2022 [1].

The current project aims to develop a training model that provides knowledge, skills, and attitudes that teachers need to ensure the successful transition from primary to secondary schools for non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students.

Based on our current training model and support, we will continue to employ this successful training model to support teachers in need and equip them with the knowledge and skills needed for teaching NCS students.

The Project period runs from September 2022 to August 2023 funded by Quality Education Fund Thematic Network*. Dr. HC Lin, member of the CACLER, applied and mentioned the Centre as part of the research infrastructure. The co-investigators are Dr. CM Cheung, Dr. CP Tai and Prof. WH Tsang.

* The QEF Thematic Network was initiated in 2006 to disseminate good practices derived from QEF projects and promote professional sharing through networking different schools and educational bodies. For details, please visit the QTN website [2].

[1] https://www.cacler.hku.hk/hk/research/project/et

[2] https://qcrc.qef.org.hk/en/fund/activity.php?cate=4